Thursday 10 June 2010


This animation was my first test of my end project. I was quite pleased with this because i got the timing right, but as its only a few seconds its hard to see what i can work on from it. I found inspiration for this looking through books of cartoons. I saw the image of a dog, and decided to interpret it into my own character. I chose the word "slide" to base my animation on so a ski slope seemed a good idea. I've experimented with different types of movement, and found the best way to animate this scene is by taking 2 pictures per frame to make the movement smooth. This excercise helped me to find where i was going wrong in my attempts, and helped me to improve my animation greatly!

I think the weakness with this attempt is the way it looks on camera. All the lighting has changed and i moved the camera accidently a few times, changing the affectiveness greatly. I could have put more effort into the appearence of the character, as the colours seem rushed instead of blocks. I can learn from this animation all round within my camera shots, because seeing this has taught me about how important it is for the camera to stay still at all times. If i could do this again, i think i would do a claymation because it seems a lot easier and also less time consuming.



This animation is a whiteboard that i made alone. I don't know where i got the inspiration from, it was just one of those ideas that spontaniously pop into your head. I think that doing this animation helped me to improve my drawing skills and using a steady hand, because it was quite challenging to draw without rubbing out pieces of my work. I think this animation actually went quite well because i worked independantly, and had the chance to try things out on my own. In this excercise i learnt how effective the simplest of things can be.

I think this is one of my better animations. In comparisson to my pixilation i'd say it was pretty good because i tried to put effort into this one. I can learn from this animaton, because it shows that things don't have to be complex and awkward to look good. If i was to do another i think I'd add a lot more to it because its quite short, and could have been made more interesting with a bit of time.



This video was supposed to be a car crash that me, sable, hobie, and jake made at the beginning of the year. To create this video we used pixilation, which is a technique that makes images appear to be moving. I did this in a group, and although i wasn't actually in the video i took all the pictures. Making this animation helped me to progress in my camera skills, by giving me practise at getting the correct shot. There wasn't a particular animation that influenced us, it was just a creative idea we had in our heads which wasn't portrayed so well when we recorded. In this excercise i learnt just how complicated pixilation is, because before i didn't realise just how much effort it is create the right effect.

I dont think this animation was very good because we misunderstood the concept of making the movement look real. I don't have any animations i can really compare to this because my others fall into different criterias, but I think we could have improved this a lot more. I think from this i could learn to be more careful with planning, so the idea we come up with actually works. If i could change this animation, i'd scrap the whole idea and try to do something a bit more simple.

