Tuesday 2 November 2010

Project Log 3

What have you done since last time?
i have re-evaluated my animation and have tweaked any missing parts. Ive edited the speed of it, and have tried to create the element of movement.
What worked? What didn't?
I think the initial idea of skiing down a hill worked, as i got the arms to move in different positions but so they were in sync with the legs. I think that was probably the hardest thing i had to do in my animation and i seemed to cover it pretty well. I don't think my idea in general worked too well. It didn't make a lot of sense, and was a pretty poor effort in creativity. It didn't work so well zooming in on the facial expressions of characters either, as the focus came out blurry in places.
What soloutions have you found?
I found that using macro mode works on zoom, but only to a certain extent. The soloution i found for this is to have the image i'm taking closer, and using the zoom button less often.
What do you need to do next?
I need to decide on any changes i may make to the animation, for example music and sound effects. I don't however think i will use any of those mediums, as i'm quite content with my animation.

CLAYMATION by ellie, sable, and rachael

This is a claymation me and others created at the beginning of the year. Our animation was made up by creating different characters, and making up a storyline simply by analysing their appearance. Our charactes were quite distinctive as you can see, so we were clueless about how to start out animation. We decided to turn it into a worst case scenario love story, resulting in a messy situation. It was quite easy to make the animation, although it was time consuming having to move each part of our characters literally a millimetre per shot. We ended up taking quite a few shots, and resulted in quite a successful end product. i think we could have put a lot more thought into the story behind this animation, but considering it was a first time using claymation i think we did pretty well, especially in making the girl character fall over.

Friday 9 July 2010

this is a picture of my production schedule. i pretty much managed to stay on task with this, although i slipped up on different parts on a few weeks. its colourcoded towards each learning objective, and is set out in an easily readable format.
this is a picture of the storyboard i created. i took some of the main images i wanted to show my characters in, and put them into a larger scale. i didn't use all of these images as you can probably tell in my animation, but they were used at milestones in my production.

this is just a picture of my initial ideas after some minor tweaking. it describes the way in which i wanted my characters to be portrayed, and gives a brief description of my storyline.


This is the first background used in my animation, as you can see it's a ski slope which is represented by a white whiteboard and transparancies coloured in.
This features in the scene where the two characters fall in love. I found it hard to fit the background in because its so different from the previous scene, but i think i managed it okay.

Again, the beackground featured in the previous scene minus the character face.

The background at the end of the animation when the two finally fall in love. This is also made by using transparancies.

The background used when the two characters crash into each other on the slope. This was made from just a piece of plain paper.


This is a picture of what i was hoping to make one of the main shots. it didn't end up featuring as a keypoint in my animation, but it did help me to link my idea together in terms of character emotion.
This is a close up shot of one of my characters. he realises he has fallen in love with the mysterious pink creature, and this is the expression he produces.

This is another keypont in my scenes. you see this image appear after the close up of the dog character, as a way to show the detail of emotion. i used two transparacies to create this background, and it seemed to work out quite well.


This is just a picture of all my different characters.

The two different sillouhettes of the dog character,

The three different angled characters used to create the movement effect.

The images of the second character and its features.

All the different parts needed to create the dog characters changing faces.


All of these pictures are of my progress throughout the unit. They are self evaluations of my work progress this term. I looked back at various points to see how my skills had developed, and used these as points on my development scale in progress.
