Friday 5 February 2010

The Monty Python

Killer Cars
The monty python is a type of animation thats very different from others. The monty python is a series of different cut outs and still images to produce an individual animation. Terry Gillian uses images that appear to be victorian to make the Monty Python, to give a desaturated effect in his animation.
The still image and stop motion technique is another effective type of animation. Pictures of magazine cutouts or photographs are moved at different speeds togive the illusion of deformed movement. A few pictures are taken of each picture, and are then processed as frames and edited together. Some of the animations are quite surreal with one including a giant cat eating acity and being squashed by an abnormally large sized hand. They animations are all made up of moving mouths, eyes changing direction of sight, different sized limbs and characters disproportioned, un-coordinated bodies, and lots of different layers.
The monty python is styled to be a surreal type of comedy with bizarre outbursts. The randomness of the animation is amusing becayse the whole animation makes sence without having to make sence. Everything slots in together by using things such as giant animals or limbs, linking images together, and adding peculiar sound effects. The all round outcome of the animation is a weird but wonderful selection of sketches that git together to create 5 minutes of pure genius.

souces used: the help of mr seal


Pixelation is a technique where human beings are animated by taking different frames and pictures. It blends actors in with live action, giving a surreal and quite disturbing effect. Popular television series such as “Angry Kid” and short films such as “Bolox Brothers – The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb” “A Chairy Tale”. “Neighbours” and music videos such as “Coldplay – Strawberry Swing” and “Kanye West – Heard em say” all use pixelation.value="">
The actors in the animation
Food was created by Jan Švankmajer and is a prime example of pixilation. A man enters a room puts down his belongings, and prepares to become a human vending machine. He puts money into the mouth of the man whos currently the vending machine, and eventually is presented with a meal of sausages, mustard, bread, and a drink. He eats the meal and then becomes the human vending machine himself. All the men who enter the room take it in turn to do this for the 3 different meals of the day. The pixilation makes the film seem quite disturbing because it looks un-real but is moving in an un-human way. Long shots with close ups are used to catch the different angles of the pixilation, focusing on the movement of the men especially.
Neighbours was created by Norman Mclaren and is another good example of pixilation. Neighbours is supposed to be an anti-war film which is about two men who fight over a flower.
They end up losing everything, and die themselves for this one flower which neither of them end up claiming. They kill each others families, destroy their houses, and end up dying all for nothing. It’s a pixilation from the 1960’s, with some live action added in to give a more realistic effect. They use a mixture of long shots and close ups again, to emphasise different parts of the film like when they’re in their graves at the end. Its quite strange when they attack each other because it all seems so pointless, but it makes sense because its based on pointless fighting.
Both the films use pixilation with some clay motion, and the same types of shots. They use the same techniques to show movement, and shuffle instead of walking. They both come across as un-human in the way they move, and are original ideas. Food is digetic however, and Neighbours is not. Both the films make you feel differently, and only Food uses recording as well as still images.
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