Friday 5 February 2010

The Monty Python

Killer Cars
The monty python is a type of animation thats very different from others. The monty python is a series of different cut outs and still images to produce an individual animation. Terry Gillian uses images that appear to be victorian to make the Monty Python, to give a desaturated effect in his animation.
The still image and stop motion technique is another effective type of animation. Pictures of magazine cutouts or photographs are moved at different speeds togive the illusion of deformed movement. A few pictures are taken of each picture, and are then processed as frames and edited together. Some of the animations are quite surreal with one including a giant cat eating acity and being squashed by an abnormally large sized hand. They animations are all made up of moving mouths, eyes changing direction of sight, different sized limbs and characters disproportioned, un-coordinated bodies, and lots of different layers.
The monty python is styled to be a surreal type of comedy with bizarre outbursts. The randomness of the animation is amusing becayse the whole animation makes sence without having to make sence. Everything slots in together by using things such as giant animals or limbs, linking images together, and adding peculiar sound effects. The all round outcome of the animation is a weird but wonderful selection of sketches that git together to create 5 minutes of pure genius.

souces used: the help of mr seal

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