Thursday 1 July 2010


The video which you can see above is my un-edited final animation. To make my animation, i used a medium thats called transparancies. As you can see in various points in my animation the transparancies don't work so well, but because of the storyline i'd chosen for my animation it seemed the best option to use as i could change the facial expressions of my characters sufficiently. It took me quite a while to get used to using the medium, but after about 2 lessons i got to grips with making it look effective. I found that using white paper as backing made the colours seem bolder, and made my animation look a lot less like an 8 year old had made it. The various stages if making my characters were irritating, because i couldn't get them to look the same each time but with different expressions. It took me quite a few attempts to get there, but i think it worked pretty well towards the end. My animations quite unusual, because its storyline makes no sense. I'd started off with the idea to have a love story where two characters meet on a ski slope from knocking into each other. It started off okay, with the downhill skiing, but as i progressed to zoom in on their facial expressions to show their emotions it became quite hard. You'll notice that at a point in my animation it zooms in on the orange characters face then changed into a heart background with him being in love. I had absolutely no idea how to combine these two parts of the scene together, but the best i could come up with was to try it by zooming in. I'm quite pleased with my animation because honestly, i never thought i'd have had the patience to see it the whole way through. I'm still browsing for some sound effects to put in the backing of it, but once thats done it will be fully complete.

There are a lot of strengths and weaknesses within my animation, which you can probably see for yourself. Th transparancies are a weakness in a few parts, because the colours appear different shades and you can actually see the outline of the transparancie. This makes my animation look quite un-proffessional, and i cant say im pleased about the way they turned out. Another weakness would be the movement within the animation. When the character is skiing down the slope at the beginning it doesnt look too disastrous, but once he meets the 2nd character it all seems to go downhill. The camera photos are out of sync so the animation is jumpy, which is really uneffective. There are some strengths with my animation though. I think the skiing scene actually works quite well with the arm movement, because it gives a real effect f skiing. I also think that how the facial expressions change is quite good, because it seems to run smoothly. Overall i don't think my animation was anything special, but i do have to say i'm pleased with it. Even though it doesn't look amazing i put a lot of effort into it, and just to see a finished product is good enough for me.

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